Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Recently overheard
Nurse: On a scale of one to ten with ten being the worst pain you could ever imagine and

(over the nurse) Patient: It's a twenty!

Nurse: Let's start this again and please let me finish the question this time.  This is a scale of one to ten only.  Ten is the top

(over the nurse) Patient: It's a ten plus!

Nurse (sighing- probably rolling her eyes): On a scale of one to ten with ten being the worst pain you could ever imagine and one being no pain- 
In other words a ten is one of your body parts has been ripped off and is in the next room. 
Eight would be active labor without the epidural. 
Five is several broken bones etc..
Now, on my scale, what number would you like to use to rate the scratch on your arm.

Patient: Do I have to use your scale?

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