Tuesday, March 31, 2009

From 7 to 13

We seem to be missing a few rooms, two to be exact, 7 and 13... the stories vary about why they are gone, include everything from stolen space to the necessity of a supply room, but I am beginning to understand that the stories may really be an excuse.  People do not want to be thought of as superstitious- In part because it makes them look crazy and in part because to admit that the building has a mind of it's own well... it takes away our sense of control.  

I personally like the corner between rooms twelve and fourteen, a small bathroom and supply room are tucked in here-- areas where I like to sit for a moment and think... a place to simply get away from the noise and chaos of the beast that is an ED.  Some of my best thinking is done in here, though it may not always translate into real words.  

Now between rooms six and eight-- only a hallway exists, room seven seems to have vanished.  It may have been for lucks' sake, or maybe it really is there... a place for the patients to quietly exit on their journey- home.

We also have our words that are off-limits... a certain q and s word come to mind.  These are taboo- chocolate must be offered by the offender to the gods that be if these words are thought, let alone uttered.  

I never was superstitious, before I started here.  Now, yes, I do find myself offering to the gods on occasion-- all because of one lovely shift.  New guy, cracking jokes, flaunted the forbidden words- within 15 minutes we were packed, Full Code in 2, HI in 1, all other rooms packed with the expansion rooms also utilized, EMS called out to not one but four locations all with multiple victims.  Once all chaos was contained, he did it again-- he said the words-- cacophany of noise-- we thought it was bad before-- no the gates of hell may have had less wailing and gnashing of teeth.  The new guy... well, someone may find his body, eventually, too bad he wasn't finished paying off his schooling yet.

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